Global House of Prayer
333 Edwin Drive | Virginia Beach, VA 23462 | 757-502-3618 | globalhop.org

We thank God that we were able to successfully purchase our facilities. Our plan is to host a neutral and dedicated 24-7 House of Prayer in Hampton Roads. Please view the video of the dedication service of the facility.
Prayer Room Sign Up
This page is used to allow our intercessors to reserve times to Host the meetings or volunteer as a Prayer Leader or Worship Leader. Hosts will arrive before the meeting times and open the House of Prayer, turn on lights, sound, etc., as well as take care of the arrangements for the meeting. Our Prayer Leaders will facilitate the meetings while the Worship Leader will organize individual or team worship for each hour. Participants have no responsibilities. We just would like to know if you plan to be there so we can ensure that the Prayer Room is open and available.
How the Prayer Room Sign Up Works: Please complete the registration form below and in the comments section, let us know the role, date and time you plan to be in the Prayer Room (Prayer Leader, Participant, etc). Once the time slot is approved by our Prayer Room Coordinator, your name will appear on the calendar below for the time slot you have been approved for.
On Site (GlobalHOP Faclities)
Off Site with Insight
Global House of Prayer is partnering with the All For Jesus (A4J) Prayer Network to provide regional prayer covering. Toward this end, we are providing a listing of all churches and prayer groups in the A4J on our prayer calendar.
To sign up your Hampton Roads Prayer Meeting, please visit this site ALL FOR JESUS.
All Prayer meetings registered on the All for Jesus Prayer Network will appear on this calendar on our website. Please check back regularly for updates.
PLEASE NOTE: We will be constantly updating this calendar with the latest information from the Prayer Room at Global House of Prayer. The times shown below are for the ON SITE PRAYER only.
To see the regional prayer times: Please click on this link: All for Jesus Prayer Network. Please check back regularly for updates.
On Site Prayer Calendar
Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”